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Zaparay RAY-ONE UV-C LED Disinfector

Reproducible hygiene made easy!

Commonly used equipment, such as stethoscopes, blood pressure cuffs, and handheld devices like cell phones, microphones can transmit microbes and spores between users. Classic sterilisation procedures can’t be applied due to the nature of the devices.

Existing hygiene protocols recommend the use of chemical wipes for defined periods of time, ranging from one to ten minutes to adequately treat high-touch surfaces. ​

However, some disinfection wipes do not work on certain resistant bacteria and the consistency of their use is difficult to validate. RAY-ONE’s UVC disinfection solves these challenges and reduces your workload.Our solutions contribute to better object hygiene in healthcare facilities with a biohazard risk like antibiotic-resistant bacteria (incl. MRSA, EHEC, ESBL) and recently SARS-CoV-2.

In addition to contributing to a cleaner and safer environment, our RAY-ONE creates significant savings in the consumption of chemicals, water and energy, as well as in sick leave and healthcare costs.

The intended use of the ZAPARAY RAY-ONE is sustainable UVC LED disinfection of cleansed objects with non-porous outer surfaces. It is the user’s sole responsibility to verify if any applicable object disinfection protocols require additional disinfection treatments. Specific care is required to ensure that objects do not overlap. The objects to disinfect should not be shadowed or covered by other objects. The objects should be positioned as centrally as possible. It is advised to preserve a distance of 20mm in between objects and from the drawer’s sides.

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